Saturday, December 28, 2019

Marketing Plan For Groupon Marketing Strategy - 2551 Words

Marketing Plan For Groupon Mehmet Ozkara Irmak Tuncer Serra Tankut Mehmet Burak Sezer Meltem Merve Aydin Marketing Strategy Ted Clark SUNY – New Paltz 22/06/15 MARKETING PLAN FOR GROUPON 1. Executive Summary Groupon is a deal based business that brings customers discounted deals from the businesses. As a result of massive success and the growing competition, the business is faced with the option of either selling to Google or developing an effective marketing strategy for continuing its own. In the due context, the underlying report proposes a marketing plan for successfully dealing with the market challenges (Chatterjee, O†Keeffe, and Streiff, 2012). Based on the market and situational analysis, the marketing plan for Groupon produces the internal, and external environmental analysis the report has identified the strategic future for the company. Based on the competitive advantage the report has made recommendations for the effective marketing in future with respect to product prices place and distribution of the business. 2. Introduction to the company The project Groupon was launched in the year 2008. The idea was launched for dealing with the already existing business The Point that was a platform for starting and pledging a campaign. Andrew Mason, the CEO of the company, started a group for making it more profitable as well as easier to manage a business in comparison with The Point. Taking up features from the Dutch auction system relevant changes andShow MoreRelatedGroupon : The Fastest Growing Company Ever Essay1341 Words   |  6 PagesCURRENT SITUATION Groupon was founded in 2008 by CEO Andrew Mason; Groupon is the market leader in the daily deal industry. The company has shown remarkable growth since 2009, now with over 150 million subscribers worldwide and 1.6 billion dollars of profits in 2011 (Slade, Hawkins Teng). 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Marcelo Bus 100 Marketing Analysis: Groupon, The New Trend of Mobile Commerce Marketing is a fundamental tool for a particular business to communicate its services and goods to the consumers. In this marketing analysis, I would like to introduce with you the online-based company called Groupon through the marketing mix. A marketing mix is a tool of business to use in marketing, which consists of product, price, promotion, and place (distribution). Groupon is a deal-of-the day typeRead MoreMarketing Options For Restaurants And Luxury Retailers For The Shopping Field Of Coupon Selling Companies1325 Words   |  6 PagesGiltCity Review GiltCity targets upscale restaurants and luxury retailers for daily deals and other incentives, which distinguishes the company from the crowded field of coupon-selling companies. Although this marketing option is only available in limited cities in the United States, fine dining restaurants can reach targeted customers who earn more than $100,000 annually. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Danger Of A Single Story By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

The lecture, â€Å"The Danger of a Single Story† by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, demonstrates how stereotypes create a single story in people’s minds. She says these stereotypes are half truths because they are incomplete; therefore it keeps people away from the reality. She claims this is â€Å"the danger of a single story†, because it stops people to think of others are capable of contributing positively to society. Adichie’s lecture helps one to understand how these stereotypes impact people by creating a single story which changes people’s perception of others. The article, â€Å"Michael Brown and Black Men† by Charles M. Blow critiques the â€Å"single story† the media presents about young black men. Blow argues that black men are always shown as â€Å"bad†¦show more content†¦Through her personal experiences, Adichie helps people to understand how these stereotypes only divert minds, which keep people away from the reality . She had a single story about their houseboy that could not perform any other work rather than housework. Adichie says, â€Å"Then one Saturday, we went to his village to visit, and his mother showed us a beautifully patterned basket made of dyed raffia that his brother had made. I was startled. It had not occurred to me that anybody in his family could actually make something† (Adichie). She talks about their houseboy, Fide who performed housework at their house. However, when she met his family, she was surprised to see their working capability because she had a single story about his family that they were poor. Therefore, she could not imagine them doing craft work because she assumed that Fide and his family were able to do the housework only. In the article, Blow also describes how the stereotypes make people to believe in one thing strongly rather than believing at different things. Blow writes, â€Å"Black Missourians were 66 percent more likely in 2013 to be stopped by police, and blacks and Hispanics were both more likely to be searched, even though the likelihood of finding contraband was higher among whites† (Blow). Blow describes how white people are more likely to commit crimes, but they are less likely to be searched than black and Hispanic people. Black people are targeted because they are minority and media

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Its all crazy! Its all false! Its all a dream! Its alright by mewithoutYou free essay sample

The band mewithoutYou has been around the past couple of years providing fans with outstanding material. This bands outlandish lyrics that consist of almost a yelling that is mixed with beautiful harmonies makes a remarkable, unique sound. In this new album though, the band looks to have taken a new direction. It consists of mostly folk, acoustic sounds, with songs like The Fox, the Crow, and the Cookie and Timothy Hay. Also, the new sound is heard in the opener Every thought a though of You, a song with christian meanings that is soft and imminent. The closing song also enhances the current sound with celebratory singing that is truly splendid. However, the band does happen to provide a little bit of the old sound with the song Bullet to Binary Pt. 2, which is a sequal to a previous song, it incorporates more of a rock sound with faster, more upbeat drums, and a heavier bass line, which the rest of the album seems to lack. We will write a custom essay sample on Its all crazy! Its all false! Its all a dream! Its alright by mewithoutYou or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But even though this albumn may seem like a dissapointing change for the band at first, the slow, peaceful melodies and optimistic, hidden lyrics told through unique parables creates a brilliant, divine album.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Organizational Development Needs - Description And Justification

Question: Describe about the Organizational Development Needs? Answer: Introduction Learning is a process for achieving all the business objectives that are ideal and essential for accomplishing the desired organizational performance. Learning minimizes the gaps between the Organizations current abilities and their ability to deliver from the business results. It is an advantageous process as well as even the individual will tend to benefit from it by and large where the knowledge will enhance their skills and will also add to their personal competencies to develop their full potential (Boydell T and Leary M, 2003). We have chosen a Training Organization called E-Module with its core business into Training and developing Training Solutions for E-Learning. It has total capacity of 55 employees who have been divided into various departments of Sales, R D, Training and Service. In this report context, the departments are referred to discuss the overall strength of the chosen organization. Moreover, in this dynamic world, the students feel tedious with long lectures and boring assignments (McGregor, 1960). Therefore, this particular organization deploys online learning and knowledge sharing strategy through interactive presentation or other attractive manners. Organizational Learning Needs: Description and Justification of Methods Most of the Organizations have made bigger investments in terms of establishing learning needs with the best possible returns on their investment. In this case, the best investments are made on the organizations ultimate assets who are its employees and customers. In E-Module organization, the learning needs are catered by organizing the trainings in a planned way. Learning practices are more different in E-Module organization to the others because of the types of involved business. In addition, the amount of time an Organization spends on training its employees is always termed to be its return on investment. The training and development that E-Module needs to achieve are based on their specific goals and objectives that it might have organized and prioritised effectively. Apart from this, E-Module should also realise the identification and development of skills, knowledge and abilities that are required in a robust and an effective way (CIPD, 2015). In this article, the researcher would analyse some of the methods that are used in identifying the learning needs with critical implementation process. Some of these methods would be standard methods that might have been customised for meeting the specific needs of the Organizations. Requirements of developing learning and organisational effectiveness Implementing a structural analysis for developing the learning and development process is a critical process as it helps identify the core critical processes that require the Management intervention in developing additional processes to enhance the skills of the employees to meet certain specific needs of the processes and to achieve the Organizational Objectives (McGregor, D 1960). All the learning needs and the need analysis should be a continual process for all the Organizations. The target audience for Training would be employees of various companies of different business spectrums as there would be a requirement for all departments and functions to motivate their employees to develop their skills depending on the department they are in or the functional process they belong. The present model of developing the E Modules for various Clients is dependent on the need basis of the Customers. E Modules should adapt and implement a new model of Training development and delivery based on the changing needs of the Global Market and emphasising on the requirement of the need to change (Tan, 2011). The examples of two learning needs are as follows. The learning need assessment tools can be (1) confidence and competence rating scales and (2) professional conversation. The organizational effectiveness and development is dependent on these assessment tools for verifying learning needs. The needs assessment would clearly give a new model of development for all the trainings it would conduct in the Organization (Argyris, 1978). It is critical for the Company to address these issues as it is essential for the brands to change and incorporate any new models in the Training Industry in order to work towards achieving the Organizational objectives which in turn will also ensure the overall employee growth perspectives (Adair, 1983). The employees join an Organization with a specific skill set and with a certain level of understanding of the Organizational objectives. There is a strong competition in the business sectors at the global front making it more obvious for the Organizations to compete with each other. The comparison is to maintain their standards and to look out for opportunities where they can be engaged in additional awareness activities conce rned to learning and business. The new trends that are introduced in any of the Organizations as a part of Training or as a part of Employee Skill enhancement will incur certain costs and it will have the subsequent advantage in letting the employees perform in alignment with the Organizational objectives (Baltes, 1999). This will provide the Company its desired growth and it will allow the employees to engage in all the related activities to improvise on the diversity of the learning environment with respect to different areas. The learning need analysis at every stage should also include all the diverse learning and monitoring activities that can influence the present system of learning and training delivery in the respective organizations (CIPD, 2015). Ensuring that these activities are a part of the learning and development scope would help the activities streamline and would in turn help in letting the newer learning activities emerge in an effective way. Review of Theory and Good Practice There are various effective learning theories with maximising the proposed learning interventions. The learning assessment tools are referred here are confidence and competence rating scales and professional conversation. Now the confidence and competencies rating process is crucial with respect to the some relevant theories. The theories may be effective learning principles, learning style, timing, motivation methods, adult learning and obstacles for learning. However, before these theories the researcher would place focus over some thinking points (CIPD, 2015). The thinking points will be current activities consideration for assessment of the learning needs, main reasons of learning module selection, the improvement aspects of teaching process. Current activities of E-Module will need to help the students or learners to understand the module clearly and as well as ensuring profound learning experiences (Harrison, 2011). In case of adult learning, E-module has to change some of the modules content to balance their learning with their age and experience (Knowles, 1973). To overcome the age barrier and relevance for learning, E-module will have to insist the learners for effective time managed environment. The learners are provided with familiar persons for effective learning process (Beevers and Rea, 2013). For individual learning, the E-module will have to consider the key learning factors as the attitude, maturity, interest and styles. They have to analyze the learning variable as well as the learning interest from the learners side. Therefore, these issues will be improved in terms of a Community of Practice. The Community of Practice will analyze the issues and then will recommend the best practices fit for E-module and t he Learning Need selection process. Organizational needs: Approach and methods In order to develop the organizational learning and development needs the learning needs itself can be classified into three categories like: Classifying the Organizational needs based on the results of the requirements of the technological development needs and major restructuring Group analysis which is conducted based on the change requirements or any new specifications which are given (CIPD, 2015) The individual needs of the employees are also considered because of the in effective performance of the individuals as such requirements are essential for the promotions, job transfers, skill enhancements and for acquiring any new skills through additional learning. In the initial stages, the learning and development starts at each of the individual processes. The processes may be the legislation needs; the organizational needs, job or the functional needs and the team or individual needs are all collected and pooled into the diverse data. From the collected diverse data the analysis of data is done, the requirement for any further needs is identified, and the gaps to be fulfilled are identified (Boydell T and Leary M 2003). From the requirements which are collected the classification of the learning needs and the non learning needs is also done. Based on the classification the prioritisation of the needs is done which is done based on the business goals and finally based on these inputs the learning and development plan is prepared (Berger and Fitzgerald, 2002). In cases of non learning needs the recommendations for the development of the business improvements is done. For further clarity and simplicity on all these terms, a detailed learning analysis is done for a large no. of roles and jobs (CIPD, 2015). Even while preparing this there are three major elements for learning need and analysis like: The abilities which are required to conduct an analysis Needs of the stakeholder groups Scale and scope of the analysis Identification of LD Needs Methods (examples) Advantages/ disadvantages Most useful in Suitability for target audience Evaluation of the suitability (or not) Skills matrices The proper assessment of students skills but the relevant competencies may be overlooked Training and class activities Huge numbers of students and their capability and knowledge can be assessed This method is suitable in smaller group of learners rather than larger groups Observation The observation process is slow yet expertises will have to handle this process carefully Classes and one-to-one session Small number of students learning ability can be improved. This method is slow and for huge batch of learners, the process is not effective. Performance data Performance data is effective for assessing the learning outcomes Examination results The students can view their progress or learning issues in this method This method is useful for evaluate the students ultimate progress or deficit in learning Interviews It is effective for identifying students strength and weakness as well as their issues related with learning One-to-one interview session Each student will need to be interviewed individually The evaluation process is suitable for assessing each person individually Designing learning interventions Possible Learning Interventions Methods and techniques are used for these learning interventions Suitability for your target audience Evaluation of acceptance or rejection Coaching Small group instruction, demonstration and discussion, feedback, questioning Fewer people with more number of groups, with their experience and compatibility value The coaching process is more systematic for huge number of learners however; individual assessment is not possible here. Classroom based Presentation, question and answer, exercises, role play activities Huge or smaller number of people can be maintained in this learning intervention. The classroom based learning is best for making individual assessment. E-learning Interactive process with understanding and application, sessions for induced cognitive learning Huge number of people without any age restriction E-learning process is effective and compatible with advanced and yet beginner learning scheme. Action learning The action learning process is managed with question answer session with online or offline. Huge number of people can be assessed along with individual. Target audience and their separate assessment are possible. Evaluation of your Learning Interventions Evaluation model Most useful model for Suitability with proposed learning interventions Kirkpatrick Training purposes and behaviour tracking process The online learning process is not effective with this model RAM This learning process is in reasoning and attentive measures This model is suitable with reasoning and attention gathering of the students CIRO This learning model is useful for classroom and coaching learning This model is suitable with coaching and classrooms, however, online assessment is not possible. Conclusion After all these discussion and analysis, the researchers have come to an opinion that the online learning process is useful. The learning intervention is easy with RAM learning model, however; the model is dependent over online sessions and the learning urge from the users side. The users will require being motivated from the online learning organization side. The users will then attend the interactive session for their age level, may be beginner, intermediate, advanced or experienced. The users can view the course content for better follow-up of subject along with their individual responses. References Beevers, K., and Rea, A. (2013).Learning and Development Practice. Chartered institute of personnel development. Knowles, M. (1973). The adult learner: a neglected species. Harrison, R. (2011). Learning and development.Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal,26(1). Boydell T and Leary M, (2003), Identifying Training Needs, London : CIPD CIPD, (2015). Helping People Learn - Case Studies, [online] Available at: peoplelearn/casestudies.htm [Accessed on Oct 28th 2015] CIPD, (2015). A Learning Strategy for the Inland Revenue, [online] Available at: [Accessed on Oct 28th 2015] CIPD, (2015). Using Technology Enablers to Develop Individual Responsibility for Learning : The Scottish Fire and Rescue Services, [online] Available at: [Accessed on Oct 28th 2015] McGregor, D.,(1960). The Human side of enterprise. New York: McGraw-Hill. Tan, L., (2011), Self Directed Learning with ICT: Theory, Practice and Assessment Adair, J., (1983), Effective Leadership, London: Pan Books Argyris, C., (1978), Organizational learning. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Baltes, P. B., (1999). Lifespan psychology: Theory and application to intellectual functioning.Annual Review of Psychology,50, 471507 Berger, J. G., and Fitzgerald, C. (2002), Leadership and complexity of mind: The role of executive coaching, Executive coaching: Practices and perspectives(pp. 2758). Palo Alto, CA: Davies-Black

Thursday, November 28, 2019

God And Descartes Essays - Epistemology, Ren Descartes, Thought

God And Descartes May 25th, 2000 Descartes sets about proving the existence of God through his meditations on knowledge in an effort to prove the skeptics of his time wrong. He first determines that human knowledge is based entirely too much on unproved presuppositions. He argues that this makes it difficult to distinguish between truth and error, since we cannot recognize true knowledge. Descartes proposes that the quest for knowledge must be based upon universal doubt. Specifically, he proposes the following in relation to his universal methodic doubt: 1. In order to seek truth, it is necessary once in the course of our life, to doubt, as far as possible, of all things. 2. We ought also to consider as false all that is doubtful. 3. We ought not meanwhile to make use of doubt in the conduct of life... 4. Why we may doubt of sensible things. 5. Why we may also doubt of mathematical demonstrations. 6. We cannot doubt of our existence while we doubt, and this is the first knowledge we acquire when we philosophize in order. Descartes proceeded to strip away his knowledge base in order to determine the one indubitable fact, "Cogito, ergo sum". From this absolute knowledge of his own existence, he set about deducing the existence of God through ontological argument. ? In our minds, the idea of God is one of an infinitely perfect Being ? An infinitely perfect being must have existence, otherwise it would not be infinitely perfect. ? Therefore, God exists. In proving the existence of God, Descartes set the groundwork for determining that God created man. He further postulated that God, being infinitely perfect and not a deceiver, could not have provided man with the deceptive powers of knowledge. Therefore, man's mental faculties are determined to be trustworthy provided we separate what there is of clear and distinct in the knowledge from what is obscure and confused. Using this reasoning, man must discard all previous knowledge which is doubt-ridden, all sensory-based knowledge (as perceptions can be misleading), and all intellection. As a result, skepticism is removed and valid knowledge possible. Descartes primary purpose was the defense of human knowledge against the attacks of the skeptics. He was justified in excluding preconceived notions, presuppositions, and traditions in determining the limits of knowledge. Descartes discarded the ability of the mind to know truth and the human abilities of contradiction and sufficient reason. In doing so, he made a solution to the problem impossible. As it relates to his theory of the existence of God, Descartes universal doubt refutes his own conclusion as to God's existence. Descartes formed an idea of God as an infinitely good being. He would have had to discover this idea within his own mind. According to his principle of universal doubt, he cannot simply know whether his conception of God is correct or incorrect. He would have, as a matter of his own principle, considered it as false until proven otherwise. Therefore, since the idea of God is in doubt, the trustworthiness of man's reasoning must also be doubtful and Descartes cannot escape his own real doubt. Descartes uses a process of reasoning, a mathematical formulae, in attempting to demonstrate God's existence. If his reasoning is of demonstrably doubtful validity, how can Descartes demonstrate God's existence? The validity of Descartes reasoning is supposed to flow as a consequence of the infinite perfection of God; and God's infinite perfect is made certain through Descartes' reasoning powers before he has even proven that these reasoning powers are valid and trustworthy. Descartes assumes the very thing beforehand which he intends to prove afterwards. (Begging the question). Descartes accepts the trustworthiness of his faculties in demonstrating the existence and infinite perfection of God, and that is illegitimate. A doubtfully valid faculty will produce a doubtfully valid argument which will, in turn, produce a doubtfully valid conclusion. The entire argument for God's existence is therefore nullified by a suspect reasoning process. Since he proves the reliability of his reason and process by means of God's veracity, the proof of his reliability cannot be established beyond doubt. Thus, Descartes attempt to vindicate the validity of human knowledge failed, because, by rejecting the reliability of his own powers to discover and know truth, he made it impossible for himself to remove himself from his own universal doubt. Further, Descartes has marked inconsistencies in the manner in which he applies his procedure. He purports to reject everything in his pursuit of fundamental knowledge, even principles of contradiction and sufficient reason. In reality, he does not. He assumes

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Essay of Wings of the Dove essays

Essay of Wings of the Dove essays Beautiful Kate Croy, who is still a young lady, has been left penniless by her relatives, with the loss of her mother and two brothers. Kate had lived with her wealthy widowed aunt, Mrs. Maud Manningham Lowder, since her mother fs death. She meets her wretched reprobate father, Lionel Croy, to offer him to live together and take care of him in England. However, he insisted that she should not come to him and rather stay with Aunt Maud. Aunt Maud has sharp interventions and is prodigious, that Lionel, and also Kate fs impoverished widowed sister, and Mrs. Marian Croy Condrip obeys to whatever she says. Marian encourages Kate to follow Maud fs wishes, hoping that she will have future financial benefit for her, as well. Kate has inherited a small amount income from her mother. Lionel is concerned whom she will share that income. There is an invisible wall between Lionel and Marian. He cares and cherishes Kate more than Marian, so he does not want to see the income being shared with Marian. Kate was told by Marian, that Aunt Maud was trying to make Lord Mark to marry Kate, though she has a boyfriend, Merton Densher who is a journalist. She met him at a party, and is passionately in love with now. He has the important aspects as a good man, yet in no way, he has the aspect of becoming wealthy. Aunt Maud certainly is not happy with him. In her eyes, he isn ft good enough for Kate. She expects a  ggreat man h for Kate fs husband. Maud plans to write him, but she is stopped by Kate that she should first meet him. Merton visits Lancaster Gate, Maud fs overly ornate residence. She doesn't act as Merton expected. In fact, she was bland and calm. She liked him because he was simply good. She doesn ft forbid his association with Kate though, but mentions that Kate would marry another man, a great a man. Merton makes plans to go on a journalist assignment in America. Feeling lonely, Kate proclaims her deep love and engages herself ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Aspirin Use and Pancreatic Cancer Mortality in a large United States Essay

Aspirin Use and Pancreatic Cancer Mortality in a large United States Cohort - Essay Example Jacobs et al. examined the association between these two through the Cancer Prevention Study II (CPS II), a large group of U. S. adults. In the past, aspirin use had been shown to decrease the risk of colon, stomach, and esophageal cancer in the same group. The group consisted of 1,184,588 people in all, with 508,318 males and 676,270 females who came from all U.S. states as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico (Jacobs et al. 2004, p. 524). In 1982, the group completed a four page questionnaire that gave data regarding â€Å"demographics characteristics and various behavioral, environmental, occupational, and dietary factors† (Jacobs et al., 2004, p. 524-525). In 1982, 1984, 1986 and 2000 follow ups were conducted to see if the group members were alive or dead. It was found that 28.1% of them had died and 0.2% could not be traced, whereas 71.7% were alive. A few of the participants had been excluded from the study based on their cancer history, cigarette smoking, o r missing data on aspirin use. Resultantly, 987,590 participants were left, out of which 4577 died from pancreatic cancer (Jacobs et al., 2004, p. 525). Statistics were gathered using the information given by the participants in their 1982 questionnaires, and the Cox model of proportional hazards was used to analyze the ratio of deaths caused by pancreatic cancer, and other potential risk factors, for instance cigarette smoking, dietary habits and family history of pancreatic cancer, were adjusted in the findings (Jacobs et al., 2004, p. 525). The frequency of aspirin intake was also taken into account, and it was discovered that most of those who took aspirin regularly, i.e. more than 30 times a month, were older and white, just like the majority of participants, who were mostly middle aged or elderly and white (Jacobs et al., 2004, p. 526). The results showed that there was no relationship between aspirin use and pancreatic cancer mortality. The result was similar

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Family Law Degree Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Family Law Degree - Essay Example This is clear from the Matrimonial Causes Act of 1973. In this case, Naomi may file a petition for ancillary relief, in particular an order for maintenance pending suit pursuant to 2.53 of The Family Proceeding Rules 1991. It must be made clear that though a divorce terminates a marriage, it does not terminate the relations of the spouse to each other, in the sense that the court may validly order one spouse to financially support the other, particularly if there is a disparity in financial resources. Upon receipt of the application for ancillary relief, the court fixes a first appointment and then provides notice to both parties, particularly to the spouse from whom support is demanded. This is to ensure that the requirements of due process are met. Interim orders may also be made by the court in cases wherein the immediate financial assistance is needed. Naomi can avail of this remedy to ensure that her needs are met and she receives uninterrupted support. Of course, Naomi must present evidence to prove that she is indeed in need of financial support. This is to prevent turning an already-painful divorce process into an opportunistic game. The evidentiary requirements may be found in the Family Proceeding Rules 1991. Pursuant to these Rules - 2.58-(1)A ... General provisions as to evidence etc on application for ancillary relief 2.58-(1)A petitioner or respondent who has applied for ancillary relief in his petition or answer and who intends to proceed with the application before a district judge shall, subject to rule 2.6 7, file a notice in Form M 1 3 and within four days after doing so serve a copy on the other spouse. (2)Where an application is made for ancillary relief, not being an application to which rule 2.61 applies, the notice in Form M I I or M 1 3, as the case may be, shall unless otherwise directed be supported by an affidavit by the applicant containing full particulars of his property and income, and stating the facts relied on in support of the application. (3)Within 28 days after the service of an affidavit under paragraph (2) or within such other time as the court may fix, the respondent to the application shall file an affidavit in answer containing full particulars of his property and income. Naomi may also petition the Court for an issuance of a maintenance order, which will allow Joshua to pay her in increments. A maintenance order may be nominal or specific. It is nominal if there is uncertainty as to the capacity to pay of the respondent and there is a need to keep the action alive. It is specific if definite dates have been set. Moreover, though Naomi and Joshua have been married for only through years, the she is entitled to the same rights as a spouse after a long-term marriage. This is clear in a very recent House of Lords decision. In the case of Miller v. Miller (2006 UKHL 24), the Court held that the benchmark for division should be equal shares, and the length of a marriage should not be a consideration. Three main considerations should be looked upon - financial needs,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Questionaire Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Questionaire - Assignment Example The team is up against so many difficulties including lynch mobs of white people, arrest and near riot. Despite all those obstacles, the team finally manages to win a debate against a Harvard team that had a myriad of advantages. Cultural identities are constructed by human beings as a direct result of the experiences undergone by certain people or groups as well as the beliefs held by a specific group of persons. Through experiences and beliefs, people form attitudes that skew them towards associating with people from one culture or their own culture. Universally, people or groups of people have fears they harbor about certain cultures, hence making it difficult for them to associate. These fears lead to stereotypes which fuel cultural conflicts as people differ over worldviews and national cultures. the key theme here is social Darwinism, where the rich have the thought that they are superior to others. 3. Most of us have experienced privilege in some form (race, gender, age, looks, social class, status, etc.). What is privilege? Give examples describing how someone benefitted from privilege and how another has â€Å"lost out† because of someone else’s privilege. You may use personal or observed examples, but do not use hypothetical ones. According the Merriam Webster online dictionary, privilege is defined as a right or benefit that is given to some people and not to others. People may get privileges based on race, political inclinations as well as employment affiliations. In my own experience, I have seen a white man served first though he was at the rear end of the line while the others get to wait. In another instance, I witnessed a senior government official get away with over speeding without even a ticket due to his position. Finally,

Friday, November 15, 2019

PESTEL and SWOT analysis of Honda Motor Co ltd

PESTEL and SWOT analysis of Honda Motor Co ltd Honda Motor Co., Ltd., together with its subsidiaries, engages in the development, manufacture, and distribution of motorcycles, automobiles, and power products primarily in North America, Europe, and Asia. Its motorcycle line consists of business and commuter models, as well as sports models, including trial and moto-cross racing; all-terrain vehicles; personal watercrafts; and multi utility vehicles. The company also produces various automobile products, including passenger cars, minivans, multi-wagons, sport utility vehicles, and mini cars; and power products comprising tillers, portable generators, general-purpose engines, grass cutters, outboard marine engines, water pumps, snow throwers, power carriers, power sprayers, lawn mowers and lawn tractors, home-use cogeneration units, thin film solar cells home use, and public and industrial uses. In addition, it sells spare parts and provides after sales services are through retail dealers, as well as involves in retail lending, leas ing to customers, and other financial services, such as wholesale financing to dealers. The company was founded in 1946 and is based in Tokyo, Japan. FINANCIAL STATEMENT There is another table for financial statement is more details at the bellowing: Note: The consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended March 31, 2009, have been translated into U.S. dollars at the rate of  ¥98.23=U.S.$1, the approximate exchange rate prevailing on the Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market on March 31, 2009. Those U.S. dollar amounts presented in the consolidated financial statements and related notes are included solely for the reader. This translation should not be construed as a representation that all the amounts shown could be converted into U.S. dollars. The chart at the above are shows that net sales from year 2005 onward to 2008 is keep on rising but 2009 have depreciated. The sales have declines in North America, Japan and certain other markets. The main reason to make 2009 depreciated is because of North America have all-new competitors had a positive effect, but, as a result of the deterioration in the real economy triggered by the financial crisis, total unit sales declined. Management overview Honda has been minimize environmental impact in their products of engine plant which is waste management, noise management and supplier management. Honda UK management are encouraged all the departments to follow the waste hierarchy with all waste stream due to wasted materials can be their burden in their company profits end of the years. The hierarchy is to minimize, re-use, recycle, incinerate and finally controlled disposal. Noise is generated by Honda UK management from a number of processes, eg, the steel pressing, air conditioning systems and contractor operations. Internal noise is controlled through safety legislation to ensure the protection of our associates. External noise modelling is carried out across the site to confirm the noise levels at the boundary are in compliance with planning consents. Honda is reliant on the support of suppliers. Therefore, Honda want to get more support from UK to assists their product to sell out more. Honda current situation has more than 200 parts and materials suppliers based both in the UK and all over the world. All are required to achieve certification to a recognized that standard the registration. MISSION STATEMENT Honda maintaining a global viewpoint, we are dedicated to supplying products of the highest quality, yet at a reasonable price for worldwide customer satisfaction. Other than that, Honda have say that dreams inspire us to create innovative products that enhance mobility and benefit society. To meet the particular needs of customers in different regions around the world, we base our sales networks, research and development centers and manufacturing facilities in each region. Furthermore, as a socially responsible corporate citizen, we strive to address important environmental and safety issues. MARKET VALUES Honda had offer car insurance in UK which is Honda GAP insurance to increase their market value. Usually, people from UK buy car insurance are not able to claim all the payment to cover their original car cost. For examples, people bought normal insurance for the car around 14 thousand pounds plus 1 year warranty plus claim, so when they wanted to claim insurance for their car is only 10 thousand can be claimed. Opposite, Honda Gap insurance are offers customers to claim all the car cost. There are some pictures at the bellowing to show that how much Honda Gap insurance can be claim. MARKET SHARE Reader Request: December 2009 Market Share As you can see Honda market share in 2009 is 10.4% and the sales are 107,143 compare to last year is increase 0.8%. GM is one of the leading cars company in UK. GM are produced Opel/ Vauxhall brands. The second in the ranking board is Toyota/Lexus. The third is Ford. Honda is on the fourth in the ranking board. As you can see the volume change % of Honda has increase 24.46%. SECTOR TRENDS Due to global economic crisis, some company in UK wanted to reduce employee in their company for cut down their budget because of employee wages are too high and waste management in their company. Too many expenses to be their burden to take care. Therefore, they decided to cut down employee. Due to most of the people are jobless in UK. It will affect that consumer could not apply loan with bank, many of the service industry business are affected by this economic crisis. Besides that, Honda sales automatically will be affected as well. PESTLE POLITICAL FACTORS Due to UK government had proposal that limit number of cars being sold in the country. Honda sales would affect by this issue and couldnt manufacture more number of cars compare to previously. UK consumers pay higher pre-tax prices for cars than anyone else in the Europe. UK government was keen to attract foreign firms to invest in UK. Honda investing in UK as initial stake in rover. ECONOMIC FACTORS Exchange rate from  £ to Yen. Due to UK and Japan exchange rate are not stable always and it would affect Hondas cars price not stable. Income rising means that consumer income rising and their purchasing power have increase. Honda has kept up with this by introducing new models of car to go on sale this year. Due to global cost of petrol keep on rising to make consumers to struggling in their economic problem. Therefore, Honda introducing more economical cars and eco-friendly technology cars such as 1.4 Honda Jazz and Honda Civic Hybrid. SOCIAL FACTORS Social factors include the demographic and cultural aspects of the external macroenvironment. These factors affect customer needs and the size of potential markets. Some social factors include: In UK, consumers have a strong beliefs in their local brand instead of other country brand such as Japanese brand Honda, Toyota and etc. Therefore, Honda wanted to change their beliefs in introducing ego-friendly cars which is Honda Civic Hybrid. Language barriers Honda is moving to worldwide business so they deal in the English language easy for customer to understand. In UK, cars product are not too expensive as in other high tax country. Therefore, consumers rather to purchase high quality automobiles from western country such as BMW, BENZ, BENTLY and etc. Technological factors Technological factors show how the trend helps the business Nowadays, people too rely on GPS( Global Positioning System) to search a location they want to go due to GPS had developed by new technology. Therefore, Honda cars have had to include Satelite Navigation System in their newer models. Environmentally friendly cars Honda developed i-vtec, which is a follow on from their infamous vtec engines. The vi-tec engine provides fuel economy, ample torque and clean emissions. According to (Honda website) Honda has always been passionate in innovating technology and challenging boundaries of mobility advancements. It is our continuous commitment in providing joy of mobility for communities all over the world with our innovations in safety, environment and advanced mobility. As you can see at economic factors at above, which is cost of petrol price keep on rising in Malaysia. Therefore, Honda has been engaged in eco-friendly technology for a better, more sustainable future. The result of the Civic Hybrid is combining fuel efficiency and eco-friendly technology with fun diving. LEGAL FACTORS Due to employment laws in UK, employee working hours and the wages. Working hours in UK standard are 8 hours per day and minimum wages are  £5.93 per hours. Due to this situation, company could be affected because of high wages in a company. UK government has proposed all the company workplace must be as safe as is reasonably practical. They cover issues such as training, reporting accidents and the appropriate of safety equipment to make sure employee are in safety situation. ENVIRONMENT FACTORS Due to global warming of less petroleum to be found in country of produce petroleum, petrol price are keep on rising. Therefore, Honda introducing ego-friendly technology cars such as Honda Hybrid to protect global warming. UK have different weather and climate in a years. Change in temperature can impact on cars engine difficult to start when weather is cold and engine easy to overheat when weather is hot. Therefore, Honda had developed different engine in different country due to weather and climate problem. COMPETITORS SITUATION In UK cars brand have a lot competitors. But I am taking Ford to compare with Honda. In the situation of Ford Company, Ford is leading in the UK of cars sales. Ford Company was founded by Henry Ford in 1903. Ford is a multinational company as well. They have a strength in western company due to Ford is produced by US and western consumers have a strong beliefs in this company because of the car price are affordable compare to other western country brand of cars. SWOT ANALYSIS OF COMPETITOR Ford Company STRENGTH -online marketing capability, Ford is providing consumers to select their car through the website and allow to customize the interior, exterior and engine color and etc. -Ford have more consumer choice which is commercial vehicle and variety of cars for consumer. WEAKNESSES -company cut down employee to run down their costs. -low productivity due to management missing focus on some line performance because of Ford had expended their business into different area. OPPORTUNITIES -consumers have a strong beliefs toward Ford in western country -hybrid vehicles Ford Motor Company had expected by year 2010 half of the cars switch to hybrid cars to protect the global warming of petroleum. THREATS -high level of competitors in UK such as Honda, Toyota and etc. -low capital spending due to economic crisis, Ford had cut down employee to run down their costs and lower their cost in RD department. Therefore, Ford have threaten in this issues. Honda Company STRENGTH -Honda introducing new models which is eco-friendly technology cars. For examples, Honda Hyrid. -Honda introducing more save fuel car to change consumers beliefs. WEAKNESSES -Honda has Recalls number of cars for the brake problem to affect their reputation. -Honda sales declined due to economic crisis from year 2008 to 2009. OPPORTUNITIES -Honda business is attack into western country such as UK, US and etc. -Honda had developed an Asimo in their RD department due to technology advance in Japan. THREATS -consumers hardly to change their beliefs from their western country brand swtich to japanese brand. -competitors are investing to Hybrid cars. OBJECTIVES- SMART OBJECTIVES FOR BRANDING AND PROMOTIONAL Specific Create more advertisement to increase brand awareness of Honda Civic Hybrid To give out free gifts when consumers come to test drive To organize road show event to increase brand awareness Measurable To increase quality service of Honda To target 1000 consumers to fill up surveys after test drive to understand consumers needs and wants. Achievable It is possible to achieve if the gifts to exchange the result of consumers to know what is the quality of the cars. Realistic Honda has 4200 employee and enough capital to handle it. Time by end of 2010, Honda Civic Hybrid recognized by consumers and increase brand image. OBJECTIVES FOR GROWTH Specific Increase the service centre in UK Increase service level toward customers Measurable To enhance service level to customers compare to previous years To increase brand attribute to consumers toward Honda compare to previous years. Achievable More service centre convenience customers to go for service their car. High quality service can give confident of the brand to consumers to purchase it. To give out training for employees in service area. Realistic Consumers in UK have strong purchasing power, Honda is worth to invest in expanding the service centre for their future profits. Time By 2013 years, Honda can increase the ranking board in UK. Consumers in UK change their belief toward Honda brand due to high quality service. OBJECTIVES FOR FINANCIAL Specific Increase sales in UK Aim to increase the ranking in UK. Measurable To increase 5% sales compare to previous years To increase net income Achievable To give out more advertisement and based on high quality service level to influence consumers belief toward Honda in UK to purchase Honda. Realistic More service centre and employees has go through service training can increase confident of the consumers toward the Honda. Time By 2010, Honda sales increase 5% until the service centre expanded in UK. After service centre expanded in UK, sales increase 10% onwards. MARKET STRATEGIES 4P MIX STRATEGIES Product Honda Civic Hybrid is a best green car in UK and using innovative design. It can target customers needs and wants based on the innovative design of the car. This car can known as petrol-electric car. The features of the Civic Hybrid are increased style and improved driving such as mirror integrated indicators, body coloured side protectors, 15 alloys and etc. other than that, youll find high quality fabric as standard and heated front seats with lumbar support and full leather interior. Honda Civic Hybrid is using continuously variable transmission (CVT), it can reduce noise and jerkiness and also helps reduce fuel consumption and emissions. Besides that, Honda had provide after-sales service in London Honda which is no-charge shuttles service to and from your home and highest quality technical staff to ensure your Honda is repaired right the first time and customers can always booking with the service schedule with Honda website. Price Honda in UK is using skimming pricing strategies. Honda is using skimming pricing on their product of Honda Civic Hybrid because of the highest technology eco-friendly technology are advanced and after it launched in the world, competitors could follow it. Therefore, Honda set the highest price on the car and after few years competitors have follow the trend then Honda reduce a price to afford consumers. Honda Civic Hybrid have 3 spec which is ES, ES Leather, and EX. The ES price is  £18,975, ES leather are in  £19,875 and EX are  £21,510. . Promotion Promotion can be increase brand awareness and sales. The perceptions of cars to consumers are always high-involvement product. Therefore, consumers need to consider as good as possible to purchase it. So, marketers should using pushing promotional strategy to attract consumers which is using advertisement in commercial not in a short term, at least long term advertisement keep on repeat on the commercial to attract consumers attention. Other than that, marketer can use sales force to increase sales which is organize an road show event in public to show the sample of car and put some sales agent to pull consumers. Not only have that, consumer able to booking a test driven in a period via online through Honda website in UK. Place Place is important for consumers because of how the product getting to the consumers. There are few methods to getting consumers to come over the product. There are 234 Honda dealers in UK and 2 headquarter which is Langley, and Berkshire. 2 of these headquarter are responsible to driving up the sales and brand awareness throughout UK. Therefore, consumers are convenience to go for it without worries about no dealers. Other than dealer, consumers can purchase it when Honda is lauching an road show event in any shopping mall. Forecast and Implication 3-year forecast and budgets 2009 2010 2011 2012 Profit 137,005 143,855.25 151,048.01 158,600.41 Cost 7,419,582.00 7,790,561.1 8,180,089.1 8,589,093.5 Sales 10,011,241.00 10,511,803.00 11,037,393.00 11,589,262.00 3 Year Forecast and Budget

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird: Scene Analysis :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An important scene found in the movie To Kill A Mockingbird is a scene concerning Mr. Tate recoiling upon the outcaste, Boo Radley, and unraveling a new perception of friendship. Atticus Finch (played by Gregory Peck), his daughter Jean-Louise Finch, also known as Scout (played by Mary Badham), and Boo Radley (played by Robert Duvall) all play an important role in the scene. As scout relates what had happened, she notices a man in the corner of the bedroom behind the door. She identifies the mysterious man as the one who grabbed Mr. Ewell and carried Jem home when she says, â€Å"Why, there he is Mr. Tate. He can tell you his name . . .† The sheriff, Mr. Tate, moves the bedroom door revealing in the light a frightened, gentle, and pale Boo Radley. And as he conveys a loving look, Scout gazes at him and smiles. In the meanwhile, Atticus had already introduced Scout to Boo. Then, Scout and Boo hold hands and walk over to the side of Jem’s bed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The challenge of taking a novel and translating it into film falls into the work of the screenwriter. The Academy Award winning screenplay was faithfully adapted by screenwriter Horton Foote from the 1960 novel of the same name, To Kill A Mockingbird. For the most part, Foote utilizes Harper Lee’s words. There is, however, one noticeable formality seen in the movie and not in the book. This formality takes place when Boo appears and Atticus states, â€Å"Miss Jean-Louise . . .† Her name does not appear this way in the book but does in the movie in order to exert a certain idealistic fervor of the Finch household that belongs in every household that adults should be respectful and well-spoken.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A screenplay is entirely useless unless if there are actors to bring it to life. When Mary Badham leans against the bedpost and wraps her hands around it, she is implying that, at least at first, there is reason for Scout to fear Boo. But then Mary Badham puts her hand out towards Boo effectively inviting him back into society. And when the young six-year-old actress smiles, Robert Duvall (playing Boo) immediately enters a relaxed state which demonstrates the character’s affection and trust of children. During this time, Atticus (played by Gregory Peck) pulls out a handkerchief as a sign of nervousness, and also to imply that men feel very uncomfortable during emotional situations.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

‘On My First Sonne’ by Ben Johnson and ‘Mother Any Distance’ by Simon Armitage Essay

From reading ‘On My First Sonne’ by Ben Johnson and ‘Mother Any Distance’ by Simon Armitage I can see that both of these poems are based on a parent/ child relationship. There are two main types of relationships one is where two things interact an example of this could be a car on a road. This would show us how us how the two things would fit with each other. The other type of relationship which we could have would be things such as Marriage, by Blood etc. In the Poem Mother Any Distance the relationship in it is both of those two described above because there is a relationship between the two people which is very straight forward who could be measuring and there the close relationship between the mother and son by blood. In Mother Any Distance both of the parties are still alive therefore the relationship between the two parties is able to continue, therefore the relationship between the two is able to change through out their live. Where as in On My First Sonne one of the parties is dead this then leading into a fixed relationship between the two existing in the memory of one. By looking at both of these poems I can see that the structures of these two poems are completely different. When looking at it for the first time you can clearly see that Mother Any Distance has three stanzas where as On My First Sonne there is only one stanza. By reading the poem On My First Sonne the one stanza completely makes sense, but if you just read one stanza in isolation in Mother Any Distance you can get different views about the situation depending on which stanza you read. If you read all three stanzas (as the poet intended), it changes again showing that there is a relationship between the three stanzas. In On My First Sonne you can see that there are rhyming couplets throughout the poem. Whereas in Mother Any Distance there is only two sets of rhyming couplets this is at the end of the first stanza and at the end of the third stanza which seems to finish the poem with a flourish. In this poem I can see that there are internal rhymes some of the lines rhyme and some do not. Old things such as God and fate are used in the poem On My First Sonne. This shows us that this poem is older than Mother Any Distance. In Mother Any Distance things are slightly more modern such as ‘Space Walk’. On My First Sonne there is a lot of rhetorical questions such as ‘ O, could I loose all Father, now.’ There is a use of enjambment in the one poem Mother Any Distance ‘ up the stairs, the line still feeding out, unreeling years between us. Anchor. Kite.’ This is enjambment because you could jus read the line saying ‘ up the stairs, the line still feeding out, unreeling’ this would make perfect sense in which the context it is used in but, if continue to read onto the next line without stopping it still makes sense. Both poems are clearly a conversation between the writer and the subject of the poem. Because, Ben Johnson is talking to his dead son and Simon Armitage is talking to his mother. Mother Any Distance uses a extended metaphor which is the tape measure. The ways in which he is able to do this is by explaining the emotional distance between his mother and himself and by explaining how to measure a room, ‘unreeling years between us’. In My First Sonne there is also a extended metaphor which is the loan of his child from god ‘Seven yeeres tho’wert lent to me and I thee pay’. When reading Mother Any Distance I get a powerful image of the son space walking through the empty bedrooms. The language in both of these poems is completely different this could be to the fact that they were completely different people but the main reason is due to the fact that they both lived in completely different worlds. Sonne uses words like ‘yeeres’ and ‘miserie’ which are Middle English words whereas the words in Mother are Modern English words. In Mother Any Distance the words that stood out to me where ‘Anchor. Kite.’ This stood out to me due to the fact that these two items are completely different to each other and sum up the whole poem. The words that stood out the most to me in On My First Sonne were ‘and fleshes rage,’ this caught my eye because the expression ‘fleshes rage’ is more powerful than just using the words growing old. ‘To have so soone scap’d worlds’ quoted in line 7 in On My First Sonne is alliteration. The themes of the poems are the same because they are both writing about their feelings towards a blood relative. They both express their feelings of loss towards someone for whom they feel affection. However in some ways the poems are quiet different this being due to the fact that in ‘On My First Sonne’ Ben Johnson is the father who has lost a blood relative whereas in Mother Any Distance it is the child who is losing a blood relative. The difference being is that Ben Johnson blames himself for the tragic incident because that is generally what parents do, ‘My sinne was too much hope of thee’. Simon Armitage is the child and does not blame anyone for the what is happing he just believes that it is the way of life. On My First Sonne Ben Johnson has no doubt about how he feels about his son whereas in Mother Any Distance Simon Armitage is unsure about how he feels for his mother. Both of these poems don’t really make me feel anything in particular, but I did feel some sympathy for the mother in Mother any Distance. I did feel sympathy because I think that the mother probably didn’t understand how her son was feeling about her. On the other hand I do feel some empathy for Ben Johnson in On My First Sonne this was due to the fact that I have also lost a blood relative in my life. This means that I was able to connect to the poem easily because I was able to put myself in his situation. I hope that my relative has found ‘ Rest In Soft Peace’. I had a preference for Mother Any Distance due to the fact that the language was more modern and was easier for me to understand. This was probably because it was written by a younger person and it was also written a long time after the other poem.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Gustav Stresemann - Weimar Foreign Policy essays

Gustav Stresemann - Weimar Foreign Policy essays Gustav Stresemann - - Weimar Foreign Policy When Gustav Stresemann became the foreign minister of the Weimar republic in 1923 it was after two years as chancellor of the Weimar republic. During this time he was able to see, firsthand, the effects of the economic and political isolation upon Germany and the harm it was doing to the country. It was during this time of chancellorship (which is external to the topic yet important) that Stresemann was able to set the tone for the type of brinkmanship that would dominate his career as foreign minister. It is essential to know about the man himself to understand the moves he would later make. Stresemann's character comes into question when it comes to determining the cause for his actions first as chancellor in 1923 and then as foreign minister until his death in 1929. Fiercely nationalistic and monarchist Stresemann did not differ from the main of the German population. He was however educated and incredibly intelligent and it was these qualities which set him apart when he joined the DVP (German People's Party) where he quickly became the Reichstag spokesman for Ludendorff and Hindenburg during World War I. How Stresemann became a staunch supporter of the Weimar republic would make interesting reading in its own right. In short Stresemann saw the realities of the armistice imposed by the Allies and the treaty of Versailles and realized that the only avenue to rebuild the once-great Germany lay on the survival of the fledging Weimar republic. Stresemann came into power as chancellor during the hard times of hyperinflation. Despite the overwhelming nationalistic disapproval he decided to press ahead with his call for the abandonment of the passive resistance scheme. Passive resistance did see the reduction of reparations to France drop to almost negligible levels but also saw the complete and utter destruction of the German economy. Even after the abortive attempt to guarantee...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Counseling Processes essays

Counseling Processes essays Counseling - the act or process of giving counsel - the process of assisting and guiding clients, especially by a trained person on a professional basis, to resolve personal, social, or psychological problems and difficulties - a generic term that is used to cover the several processes of interviewing, testing, guiding, advising, etc. designed to help an individual solve problems, plan for the future, etc. Process - a systematic series of actions directed to one end - a continuous action or series of changes taking place in a definite manner In counseling, there are many processes used by a counselor in his sessions with a client. These may be done in a specific order or however which way the counselor sees them to be appropriate. Listed below are the different processes that may be undertaken during a counseling session. 1. Before meeting a counselee, the counselor tries to find out as much as he can about the former. This is done so that he may discern what will help the client most. Also, he has to fathom the counselee's past so that he will know beforehand how he can help him. 2. The counselor and the counselee take some time to get to know each other. This is a process that works both ways, as does the entire counseling process upon which they are about to embark. In the process, the counselee's needs are assessed and appropriate therapy may be chosen. 3. Questionnaires or tests may be given to the counselee to prove or disprove the counselor's initial findings. It may be too early to judge the counselee right away but this may help the counselor in the totality of the sessions. 4. The counselor needs to determine, with greater accuracy, the nature of the emotion and experience that is behind the counselee's current difficulties by further detailed examination of the latter's history. Some of the issues and patterns raised in the ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Hum M3 Al Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hum M3 Al - Essay Example Being related to consciousness and choice, they are acquired from the culture and environment. In contrast to animals, whose code of values are automatically formed and whose senses help them distinguish between good and evil, people have choice of knowledge and thus can acquire certain sets of values they choose. The code of values of the person forms his/her attitudes and affects thoughts. Thoughts and attitudes, as it is stated by Burns, forms emotions and feelings. 3. The Dominant Values test was rather puzzling for me, as I found most of the values important for me; none of them is opposite to my position in life. However, the test results indicate that Benevolence and Security are my dominant values, and Tradition has proved to be at the lowest stage in my life. I would say that results are true, because I care much about welfare and security of others. In Cognitive Empathy test, I’ve scored 25, which is the moderate ability of perspective talking. The score of Emotional Empathy is, however, higher, 27, and this is the high level of emotional empathy. I agree with the results, as I tend to feel compassionate for many people. Finally, Dispositional Mood Scale test has shown that the current tendencies in my mood are relatively high tiredness and negative arousal and moderate positive energy and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Irish Pub in rome Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Irish Pub in rome - Case Study Example Another essential step in the process would be identifying potential suppliers of refurbishing materials as well as bar and kitchen supplies, so that the bar can be well stocked up before it opens. Cost assumptions would need to be made on the basis of estimations about the prices of materials available from suppliers. The last stage of the project would involve the promotional activities associated with setting up the Irish bar in Rome and based upon the list of activities as identified above, the Work break down structure has been derived below: At the outset, the scope of the project needs to be defined. This is to be followed up by a plan of action whereby three steps must be executed at the same time, namely (a) liaising with authorities to procure the necessary licenses (b) determining the team members to form a part of the core team and (c) finding out the local suppliers of building materials and supplies. Each of these tasks links to related tasks, as shown in the WBS chart below: The Work breakdown structures are used to make complex projects more manageable by breaking them down into work segments that can be more effectively estimated in terms of costs and time frames and also supervised effectively ( The WBS has the advantage of listing out all the tasks that need to be completed in connection with the project and arranging them in a framework that allows the facility of viewing the entire project in an encapsulated form , wherein each sequence contains a list of tasks that fall into that particular category. The objective of this project is to set up an Irish bar in Rome, which not only offers food and drinks but also provides music and entertainment. The proposal seeks to develop this pub within premises that will be leased or purchased; however in either case, it would be necessary to make some structural and design changes in order to transform it

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Influence of Non-economic Environments on Management Effectiveness Essay

Influence of Non-economic Environments on Management Effectiveness - Essay Example This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of the non-economic factors of business environment and describes the effects that this factors could have on an overall economic performance of any organization. One of the most important issues when designing a business strategy is the location and the evaluation of the factors that could influence the operation and the performance of the business. The nature of the factors that can ‘interact’ with a firm’s management can vary in accordance with the following variables: the type of business activities, the country where the firm operates, the political and natural environment and the culture/ knowledge/ ethnicity of the employees but also of the employer. Moreover, these factors can be related to financial data or to other elements of non-economic character, like the physical environment, the human resources and the market (referring to the people and not to financial activities). In order to achieve an integrated presentation of the non-economic business environment that has an influence to the structure, the decisions and the performance of its management, we should refer to its separate elements (in both external and internal area) as they can be observed from their interaction to the firm’s activities. The role of the non-economic factors to the business management can be characterized as critical regarding the consequences that they may have on the performance and for the individuals that participate to the firm’s operation. Behavior of the business as an entity is also important as it can provide the measures for the limitation or even the elimination of the negative consequences that can follow the interaction of the non-economic factors with the corporate activity.

Monday, October 28, 2019

How to Set a Workplace Vacation Policy Essay Example for Free

How to Set a Workplace Vacation Policy Essay A guide to structuring a vacation policy that sets the tone for your benefits package and keeps employees happy and motivated not to mention gives your company a competitive edge. Deciding what sort of vacation policy you want your company to have is an important step for any business owner in creating a comprehensive employee benefits package. Whether you want to create a system of rewards, or you are just trying to create a set of guidelines for time off, there are several ways that establishing a vacation policy can help contribute to your business functioning smoothly. The following guide will highlight the various options available for creating or improving a vacation policy. How to Set a Workplace Vacation Policy: Consider Legal Requirements Although vacation time seems like a standard occurrence in the American workforce, employers actually have no legal obligation to offer their employees any vacation time at all. However, the majority of business owners understand the health benefits of offering their employees vacation time, and they aim to set policies that fit their businesss operations. While time off for vacation is not federally enforced, employers are legally obligated to provide certain employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave each year under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), a labor law which was passed in 1993. Employees that would qualify for this type of leave include persons that are caring for a sick family member, persons who must leave due to a serious health condition that prevents them from working, or persons that have to care for a new child, by birth, adoption or foster care. Dig Deeper: Regulation: Your Own FMLA Policy How to Set a Workplace Vacation Policy: What Are Your Priorities? According to Steve Kane, a human resources expert based out of Hillsborough, California, with more than 25 years of experience working with enterprise companies and start-up businesses, vacation time is simply one form of paid time off (PTO), and before you choose your vacation guidelines, you must begin with deciding what you want to accomplish. You have to put your [benefits] strategy into perspective, he says. Are you setting a vacation policy to create a rewards structure, to minimize costs, [or] to be competitive? Those are all worthy things, but they may lead to different conclusions. Traditional vacation policies, Kane says, have stemmed from policies established by labor union contracts, which will grant employees a certain amount of time off depending upon the length of time they have worked for the company. And, in addition to the yearly allotment of vacation time a company decides to grant employees, many businesses offer additional time off for personal days, sick days, and national or religious holidays, like New Years Day, Independence Day, and Christmas Day. An employer has the option of giving employees two weeks off for the first year, three weeks off after five years, and four weeks off for 10 or 15 years, Kane says. But, those are just some common schedules; some employees say two weeks for everyone. Accrued time off – additional sick days, PTO or vacation time that employees accumulate based on the length of time they have worked at a company – is also more prevalent now than it used to be. Rollover vacation days – unused vacation time from one calendar year that gets added onto next years allotment – may count as part of accrued time off, but it depends on the employer, Kane says: Some employers say you have to use your rollover days by March 30, or some date in the next year. Or, they will say you can accrue unused vacation time only up to so many hours, or for so many hours. One more factor to take into consideration when creating a vacation policy is to determine whether you feel that your business has key employees. If that is the case, you may want to construct separate policies to keep those employees satisfied for the good of the enterprise, Kane says. For instance, since many businesses have sales people who consistently bring money in, you may consider offering a vacation policy with a higher incentive to that group of people who are driving your business. However, if singling out groups of people within the company leaves other employees unsatisfied, you may be better off sticking to a universal policy. Dig Deeper: Benefits: Time Off You Can Bank On How to Set a Workplace Vacation Policy: Enforcing a Vacation Policy While time off from work is often viewed as an earned employee benefit, a whopping 66 percent of employees were found to have neglected to use all of their vacation time in 2009, according to a study released by Philadelphia-based career management consulting firm Right Management. So, what does an employer do when an employee neglects to take their days off? Kane says that many companies have a use it or lose it policy, which means that if an employee fails to use the vacation time they are entitled to in a given year, it becomes forfeited. Theoretically, doctors will tell you its good to take time off to regenerate, but that only way you can actually make [employees] take a vacation is just to tell them not to come into work, he says. Most vacation systems try to make that a part of the policy, but its enforced by the payroll department, rather than individual supervisors. An employer must also decide whether they want to include part-time employees in a vacation policy, or limit that option to full-time workers only. For some stores, their bread and butter are part-time employees, Kane says. I think its a general rule that employers whose workforce is part-time often [tell employees they] wont accrue vacation for working 20 hours a week or less. If an employee decides to abuse his or her vacation policy, however, the consequences can be dire, and may even result in termination. Typically, a companys human resources or payroll department will keep track of employee sick days and vacation days, and it will be up to them to report abuse to their manager or employer. Dig Deeper: Are Your Employees Scared to Take a Vacation? How to Set a Workplace Vacation Policy: Get Employee Input Vacation time is one aspect of the benefits package that will be difficult to alter once it has been established, so its best to ask your employees what they hope to gain from the policy before its set in stone. A big mistake that employers make in creating a policy, Kane says, is setting guidelines based on what they heard worked for another company, rather than focusing on the needs of their own business and employees. One thing to remember is that if you decide to ask your employees what they want, you have to provide them with the proper education about potential plans so they can make a well-informed decision. If you are putting a new plan to a vote, Kane recommends asking how many people want option A, how many want option B, and how many dont care either way: If you provide the middle option of, Im indifferent, then you can potentially increase the percentage of employees who are happy with the result. Dig Deeper: Giving Employees a Say How to Set a Workplace Vacation Policy: Scrapping Your Policy Altogether If you are contemplating the terms of a workplace vacation policy, a critical step is to determine whether or not it benefits your business to have one at all. Some workplaces have decided to scrap their policies altogether, and allow employees to take off as much time as they want. The theory behind this option is that it de-bureaucratizes the workplace, and, rather than making employees feel like they will be compensated for productivity, they will maintain increased productivity by not having to stress out about proving their self-worth within the company. This concept of workplace democracy, and doing away with employer-sanctioned occupational limitations, has become one of the most important movements in the business world, says Brian Carney, London-based member of the editorial board of theWall Street Journal, editorial page director of the Wall Street Journal Europe, and co-author of the business book, Freedom, Inc.: Free Your Employees and Let Them Lead Your Business to Higher Productivity, Profits, and Growth. One of the things that we discovered [in doing research for this book] is that to really liberate employees, you have to get them out of the mindset of trading material goods in one form or another for performance, he says. According to Carney, a lot of employers are hesitant to consider getting rid of a vacation policy because employees see it as something they are entitled to and something they take comfort in – a dynamic which can be destructive to a company. You have to break that dynamic of, give me something, and Ill give you something, says Carney. You dont establish a vacation policy to encourage people to bankroll [time off], you establish a vacation policy to let people see that its healthy to take time off work.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Alcohol :: essays research papers

A class is chemical compounds, all if which consists of chemically bonded atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen all alcohol molecules contain at least one hydroxyl group. When people say alcohol they usually think of beer, wine, or liquor, but there are several types of alcohol. An alcoholic beverage is a drink that contains ethyl alcohol. They are mostly made of grains or from grapes or other fruits. There are two main groups fermented and distilled drinks. Fermented drinks contain from five percent to twenty percent ethyl alcohol. Distilled contains twelve percent to fifty-five percent or more ethyl alcohol. The consumption of beverages containing alcohol has been practiced in all parts of the world for thousands of years. The first alcoholic beverages were fermented. Scenes showing fermentation appear on pottery made in Mesopotamia as early as 4200 B.C. Mankind early discovered that drinking the fermented juices of certain fruits, berries, and grain produced an extremely pleasant effect. Among primitive peoples, alcoholic drinks increased the excitement of tribal festivals. In more civilized nations, beers and wines in the daily diet were believed beneficial to health. During the 1800’s, a movement began in the United States to prohibit the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages. A constitutional amendment banning the beverages went into effect in 1920, but thousands of Americans defied the prohibition law. In 1930, the federal government estimated that about 800 million gallons of alcoholic beverages were being produced in the country annually. The prohibition amendment was repealed in 1933. When alcohol is taken into the stomach and intestines, it is absorbed and distributed rapidly throughout the entire body fluids and tissues. The body disposes of alcohol through oxidation. This process lasts as long as the alcohol remains in the system, it may require several hours after the last drink is taken. Small amounts of alcohol may relieve tension or fatigue and increase appetite. Large amounts inhibit or depress the higher mental processes, causing a rise in self-confidence and a reduction of feelings of anxiety and guilt.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Taliban/Osama Movie

J. Galloway, T. Lockett, M. Franklin Dr. Newson-Horst Humanities 301 March 7, 2013 Taliban/Osama The Taliban are a large Sunni Islamist group of men who rule in Afghanistan. The Taliban presence in Afghanistan was densest in 1996 on through 2001. The Taliban presence/force declined in 2001 with the invasion of the U. S. military in The Middle East after the September 11 attacks. The Taliban began as a distinct group who fought alongside other mujahedeen groups during the Cold War against the Soviet Union.In the early to late 1980's the Cold War allowed the Taliban to rise to power. The Taliban group was set apart from other mujahedeen groups because of their focus on the learning and teaching of the Islamic faith alongside actual fighting. The film Osama written by Siddiq Barmak, provides an accurate depiction of the Taliban in Afghanistan by its in depth portrayal of the Taliban’s religious values, control, and acts of violence. The religious values of the Taliban are what fo rm them as a group.Anyone who wished to fight on the Taliban front would have to comply with their strict routine of prayer and study which filled their lives when they were not fighting. In the film viewers may perhaps gain this interpretation as they watched the young boys hauled off to a Taliban ran school where they prayed and studied the Qur’an in several scenes. The Taliban follow the Islamic faith very strictly sticking to traditional views and values especially towards women. The women under Taliban control cannot work, wear what they please, or come and go as they please.The religious values learned and taught by the Taliban takes a huge toll on the everyday lives of the people who are succumbed to that way of life. The Taliban has a substantial amount of control in Afghanistan with fifty-four percent of the control being permanent. Taliban ruled areas are doomed with laws and constant terror. The women are harassed and forced to wear burkas at all times. In the film a member of the Taliban warns a husband to make his wife cover her feet in fear of other men being aroused by her feet.The Taliban in Afghanistan gain finances through drug trafficking, kidnapping, and foreign donations. Private citizens from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, and some Persian Gulf nations are the largest contributors to the donations of the Taliban group in Afghanistan. The group was trademarked by controlling women to wear burkas, banning television, and jailing men whose beards were deemed too short. These controlling antics are depicted throughout the film. The violent nature of the Taliban is heavily present in the film Osama.In one scene women were protesting for the right to work to provide for their families. The Taliban blasted these women and their children with water and sprayed bullets into the crowd. Several protesting women were jailed for their participation. The Taliban also participates in kidnapping as a means of financial gain. They commit high profil e kidnappings for ransom to fund their terror. Finally, the Taliban has its own judicial system where many people have their lives taking away for random acts of resistance against Taliban law.In the film one can see an American reporter sentenced to death for recording the Taliban. The Taliban conduct live stoning to death with its members and crowd. In conclusion, the Taliban's large presence in Afghanistan has been in place for a very long time. The lifestyle of Middle Eastern women, men, and children are shaped around the ruling of the Taliban. The Taliban parade the streets and cause terror in the lives of its people. The film Osama aided with the understanding of the Taliban rule.Viewers gain a first-hand interpretation of the hardships faced under Taliban rule and how tough it is to uphold as a family. Citations Ansari, Fahad. â€Å"Understanding the Taliban Movement. † Harakah Daily/en H 1434 (2013): n. pag. 06 Mar. 2013. Web. Bajoria, Jayshree. â€Å"Council on Fore ign Relations. † Backgrounder (n. d. ): n. pag. Council on Foreign Relations. 06 Oct. 2011. Web. 05 Mar. 2013. Fremson, Ruth. Taliban (n. d. ): n. pag. Nytimes. com. The New York Times, 10 Oct. 2012. Web. 05 Mar. 2013. .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

IB Economics Commentary †Australia MPs Pass Carbon Tax Essay

The Australian government will bring in one of the world’s biggest carbon emissions trading schemes after MPs passed two bills by senators that are expected to vote into law in November. A carbon tax is an environmental tax levied on the carbon content of fuels. A negative externality of production occurs when the production of a good or service creates external costs that are damaging to third parties. This is mainly related to the environmental problems. Figure 1. Negative Externality of Production for Carbon Emission Figure 1 shows if the government is not intervening and the market is determined by only supply and demand, known as free market, the marginal private costs of the firm are below the marginal social cost because there is an extra cost to society caused by pollution. Pollution includes increase in fossil fuel burning, which would release CO2 into the atmosphere and the loss of carbon sinks. Also, it is said that CO2 emissions harm ocean’s ability to absorb carbon. The firm will only be concerned with its private costs and will produce at Q1. It is not producing at the socially efficient output, where the marginal social cost is equal to the marginal social benefit. This means that at a price of p* from figure 1 would create Q*. The community surplus is not maximized due to the effects of pollution, since it is causing a negative consequence. One way government policies may counter the problem is to tax the firm in order to increase the firm’s private costs. The carbon tax aims to cut Australia’s emissions by 5% from year 2000 levels by the year 2020, and bring emissions down 80% by 2050. The tax requires the country’s 500 biggest polluters to pay A$23 per tonne for their carbon emissions. Figure 2: Taxing a Negative Externality of Production for Carbon Emission Figure 2 shows when the government decided to tax that will help the economy, there is still a welfare lose, but it is less than under the free market with no government intervention. The pink color shading shows the welfare loss before the tax and the red color shading shows the welfare loss after taxing, which clearly shows it would reduce the deadweight burden, but not eliminate it completely. It is suggested that government should counter the externality to increase welfare. In this case, stakeholders include firms, labors, and households. Firms are the increase cost, labors refer to the consideration of losing job and households refer to the price level that is rising. If government chose not to tax, the economy would most likely to run in a short term, since there is too much welfare loss. However, government chose to tax the negative externality of production, which the economy could run in long-term. The higher the government tax, the less welfare loss will result. Also, households will be compensated for rising prices due to the carbon tax. The government concluded with the plan to turn the economy into a tradable emission permits schemes. However, this is certainly not the best choice since it doesn’t lead to the reduction of pollution once allowable limit has been set and government might not have the data of the total level of pollution and it is very difficult to measure a firm’s pollution output. To conclude my evaluation, apply taxation added to the economy is the most suitable choice government should make. It is suggested in the article, however, not their final decision. Firms are the increase cost, labors refer to the consideration of losing job and households might consider rearranging the price level and firms should consider about increasing cost, which not a lot of people could afford. The other choices take time to plan and have to consider a lot of consequences. However, taxing is not easy as well. It could be difficult to measure accurately the pollution created, but it does help reduce the welfare loss, which already is improving. Peter Hoeller and Markku Walli, Autumn 1991, Energy Prices, Taxes and Carbon Dioxide Emissions [online] OECD Economic Studies No. 17. Available at: Tom Marshall, February 3 2009, CO2 Emissions harm Ocean’s ability to absorb carbon [online] Natural Environment Research Council. Available at:

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Starting a Business After Graduation †Marketing Research Essay

Starting a Business After Graduation – Marketing Research Essay Free Online Research Papers Starting a Business After Graduation Marketing Research Essay Making a good career decision involves both self-assessment and market research. Begin the self-assessment process by examining your skills and identifying what kinds of products or services you can offer. What skills do you most enjoy using? If you are artistic, merchandising a store and designing advertising may appeal to you. Or you may be mechanically inclined, enjoy solving puzzles or helping people. All businesses require dedication, determination, passion, flexibility and urgency. Consumers today have a wonderful sense of well-being and wealth, but you should be prepared for a sharp or extended decline. There are all sorts of things that can turn people away from shopping, so plan for good times as well as rocky ones. If you want to get into a retail business because times are good, you may want to think again. If your passion for going out on your own and dealing directly with the public is not extinguished by the prospect of difficult times. I planned to retail a fashion store with a specialty retailer. Which is a power retailers like target tend to sell needs, specialty retailers tend to sell wants. They focus more on neighbourhood convenience, the richness of the shopping experience, and inventory that meets the needs of their target customer on a personalized basis. Small stores show surprising strength and flexibility in the face of competition from large-scale retailers and e-commerce outlets. They offer the consumer a warmer atmosphere, and perhaps a broader and deeper selection of goods. Many stores can be owned and operated by one person with minimal assistance. Compared to manufacturing operations, specialty retail outfits are relatively easy to start both financially and operationally. However, a number of failures are due to undercapitalization, poor location and insufficient market analysis. Most successful small businesses provide something attractive or advantageous by taking whats already there and developing some innovative features. I will develop a special community consciousness which is to full fill my customer’s need. Example, if they have any special banquet, they could me order or propose what kind of material for their unique dressing and their design as well. Although a great location may not guarantee success, a bad location will almost always guarantee failure. A new retail business needs to be where the customers are. I need to find a location with a reasonable degree of security, access to public transportation for your customers and employees, adequate parking for commercial as well as personal vehicles, room for an office, and that all-important sales space. Where you locate will settle on the hours you keep, who your clients is, and what types of promotions you do. Also, where you set up shop will impact how long it will take you to grow. Luckily, I have lots of options. The best retail location combines visibility, affordability and lease terms that I can live with. Retailers need to be where the action is, so deciding where to put my business is every bit as important as the business that I decide to go into. Take the time to analyze the areas that appeal to me. There are three phases of choosing a location for your retail business: selection of a city, choice of an area or type of location within a city, and identification of a specific site. The place I choose for my fashion store which is a new shop house beside the road. Because it is a new shop lot so I think every passenger pass by will be have a look on that. There will no traffic flow, corresponding nature of next-door stores, capability of packing problem. There will be no zoning changes that will be advantageous for competitor or even allow new competitors to enter your trade area. I will take my positioning statement from my business plan and present it in the 3-D world of location, architecture and interior design. Use scale, colours, textures, materials, amenities and layout to express my stores philosophy. I will use a neon, elegant columns and casual corners, subdued hues and marble floors to set the stage for my customers. My store has planned two key elements: store design and store layout. Store design is concerned with atmosphere, image, interior design and exterior design factors. Store layout involves the internal arrangements of each department, selling and sales support allocation, and the evaluation of space productivity. To set up my store, consider consulting with architects, interior designers and lighting engineers. Working with skilful designers gives me an invaluable resource: Not only will they know the best location for air conditioners and elevators, but they can help build flexibility into lighting systems that will keep me from incur costs when floor layouts are altered. Designers keep abreast of the hottest colour schemes, materials, sources and trends to a degree that would be impossible for someone outside the trades to do. For my own opinion, to make my own business success, there is a lot of market segmentation I need to know which is:- ? Sensitive to prices changes If we are not sensitive with this, our customer might be get a more special offer from my competitor In making your pricing decisions, you need to answer these questions: ? What prices are shoppers willing to pay for the merchandise? ? Where do you want to be in comparison with your competitors pricing: equal, above or below? ? What is the suggested real price proposed by the supplier? ? What are the qualities or characteristics of the merchandise that influence a shoppers perception of quality and value-style, perish ability, scarcity, richness, commodity or other? ? Packaging and pop display This is the most important passion to my customers. Through the packaging we can know that what the quality of material in the shop is and so on. ? What are the consumer psychological characteristics? What is my customers’ feeling, sentiments, buying motives and behavioural patterns and designs? ? Product-variety marketing Produces how to move products that have different quality features, styles, size and so on. ? Target marketing Select one or more of them, develops products and marketing mixes tailored to each. This is making few same design or same colour dressing from them to attend those unique banquets. Other that that, the promotional mix also I need to be more aware. Advertising and personal selling such as point of purchase display, exhibition, usually non-recurring in nature. ? Introduction Heavy advertising and public relations to build awareness. ? Growth Heavy advertising and public relations to build brand loyalty. Decreasing use of sales promotion. Personal selling to maintain distribution. ? Product research Which is concern with the analysis of the strengths and weakness of the existing products, development of new products, product diversification and all kinds of product line decision? ? Media research Broucher, flyer, banner and streamer ? Consumer research This is concerned with the discovery and analysis of the consumer. ? Sales research This relates to the problem of regional variations in sales, fixing sales territories, measurement of effectiveness of sales force, evaluation of sales method. 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